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全球综艺盛典|英文:(Global Variety Festival) 简称:GVF 全球综艺盛典最具 “ 权威性 ” 的年度综艺颁奖! 全球综艺盛典的宗旨在于推动综艺类发展,复兴综艺类领域, 为综艺类提供国际舞台。全球综艺盛典在保有其核心价值的 基础上,也一直在进步发展,致力于发现综艺类行业新人, 为综艺类创造一个交流与创作的平台。

       全球综艺盛典联合国内外几十家顶级IP机构共同发起综艺颁 奖为一年一度颁奖盛典,也是当今世界最具影响力、最顶尖 的综艺类颁奖之一! 全球综艺盛典暨年度颁奖盛典 通过全球海选,晋级,培训, 培养,提升,最后年度颁奖 特此为 搜集星杯奖(英文名称: Collecting star cups 中文简称:搜集星杯),联合世界著 名综艺类业内大师齐聚一堂,见证新秀成长,全球综艺盛典 是一项表彰综艺赛事成就的年度奖项,旨在鼓励优秀艺人的 创作与发展,包括了各种综艺真人秀节目,有多个类别不同 的奖项,也是全球性最具影响力的综艺类奖项!

       Global variety Festival (GVF) The most "authoritative" annual variety award at the global variety show! The purpose of the global variety Festival is to promote the development of variety arts, revive the field of variety arts and provide an international stage for variety arts. On the basis of maintaining its core values, the global variety Festival has also been making progress and development. It is committed to finding new people in the variety industry and creating a platform for communication and creation for the variety industry.

        he global variety awards, jointly sponsored by dozens of top IP institutions at home and abroad, is an annual awards ceremony. It is also one of the most influential and top variety awards in the world today! The global variety show and annual award ceremony passed the global audition, promotion, training, training and promotion. The final annual award is the collecting star cups (English Name: collecting star cups, Chinese abbreviation: collecting star cups).

        Together with the world-famous masters in the variety industry, they gathered together to witness the growth of rookies. The global variety show is an annual award in recognition of the achievements of variety events, It aims to encourage the creation and development of outstanding artists, including various variety reality shows. There are many different categories of awards. It is also the most influential variety awards in the world!




